HEIMANN Barbár magnum 2016


The blend of our finest barrels, and our flagship wine. We found everything we seek in a great wine within it: intriguing, mysterious flavors, abundant fruit, depth, memorability, uniqueness, and an exciting completeness.
The name Barbár was inspired by Béla Bartók’s piano piece *Allegro Barbaro*. Through this name choice, we draw a parallel between the style of our wine and the uniqueness and distinctiveness of Bartók’s music. We are proud of this wine and hope that it is worthy of the comparison: the primal force of Bartók is present in Barbár as well.
Barbár is not made every year. We only produce it in those vintages where we can mature impeccable wines from perfectly ripe and healthy grapes. Small quantities of previous vintages are also available.

22 900 Ft

Out of stock

grape varieties

Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Tannat, Kékfrankos


Porkoláb-völgy, Baranya-völgy, Bati Kereszt




14 %


266 bottle


contains sulfites


1500 ml

unit price

15 266 Ft/liter

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